The Great Mosque

The Hajj starts and finishes at the Great Mosque at Makkah on 8th Dhul-Hijjah and 13th Dhul-Hijjah. The Ka'bah is at the centre. Pilgrims starting the Hajj also go to Maqam Ibrahim, Ibrahim's place, for prayer of two rakats. In the courtyard of the Great Mosque is Zamzam, the well where pilgrims drink after moving between the two hills on the walkway. This all signifies the water found by Ibrahim's wife Hajar who ran between the two hills looking for water for their son Isma'il.


The Walkway

This facilitates cool undercover movement seven times between al-Marwa and al-Safa, with assistance for the less mobile.


The Hills, al-Marwa and al-Safa

It is said that Ibrahim's wife went between these hills looking for water for Ishmael, Ibrahim's son (called Abraham in Judaism). Zam Zam is the water she found, located in the courtyard of the Great Mosque.

This facilitates cool undercover movement seven times between al-Marwa and al-Safa, with a moving walkway for the less mobile.







The Kabah

At the start and finish of the Hajj the Ka'bah is circled seven times by pilgrims by walking or running, called Tawaf. Hair is trimmed and Ihram garments for Hajj are removed temporarily. At the end of the Hajj there is more Tawaf, which should be the last act done. The cloth which covers the Kab'ah is cut up for pilgrims to take home. It contains verses of the Qur'an.








Coming from the Great Mosque the Ihram garmets are put on again. The usual five prayers from Zurhr to Fajr are said. On 10th when returning Dhul-Hijjah it is the festival of Id-ul-Adha, and pilgrims throw stones at a stone pillar at Mina seven times. Then they sacrifice a sheep or a goat. This is because Ibrahim who was prepared to sacrifice his son was allowed to sacrifice an animal instead. Then two more pillars are stoned seven times each. So this recalls the unsuccessful temptation of the Devil on Ibrahim. Male pilgrims then shave or cut thier hair and women cut off a lock of hair as Muhammad (pbuh) did this. The white cotton Ihram pilgrim clothes are then removed for ordinary clothes and restrictions are lifted except sexual intercourse. They camp at Mina for three days.








Mahgrib and Isha prayers are combined. Pilgrims come here from Mina on 9th Dhul-Hijjah. There are evening prayers and camping takes place overnight.







Plain of Arafat

This is where Muslims stand on 9th Dhul-Hijjah from midday to sunset to ask Allah to forgive their sins. It is called Wuquf. Zuhr and Asr, shortened and combined, are prayed. The Plain of Arafat is twelve and a half miles from Makkah.







Mount of Mercy

This is the extent of the pilgimage and the point where pilgrims turn from the Plain of Arafat, where they have asked for forgiveness, towards Muzdalifah.