Attachment and Passion

From desire comes attachment; from attachment comes passion.

When passion is not satisfied, it generates anger;

from anger arises delusion that causes loss of memory.

With loss of memory, wisdom is lost and that brings complete ruin.

Look at the sentences above.
They come from the Bhagavad Gita.

Let us unpack these (read the following):

We are considering any of these (objects – you may have others): fast car, complex computer, designer clothes, large mansion and gardens (jobs): chief executive of a company, fashion supermodel, pop star, programmer, currency speculator (you may have other jobs).

Desire is when you really really want an object, or job, or when you have something that you still have little experience.

Attachment is when you have knowledge of the object or job and it seems to generate needing it. But do you really need it?

Choose one:

Path of Action: Sri Krishna teaches

"Action is better than inaction. Without action no one can survive."

"Act in such a way that it does not bind but frees one from ignorance."

"Do all work as worship to God. Do everything to the best of your ability; suited to your circumstances."

Choose one: