Clinical Governance

The NHS today emphasises co-operative agreements with reference to flexibility, quality and efficiency, intending to build on the flexibility and decentralisation of the previous internal market but remove its waste and excessive sense of autonomy.  Clinical governance is about retaining devolved decision making but co-operative structures for developing quality with efficiency.

Department of Health/ NHS Executive carries out:

Regional Offices oversee that:

Health Authorities oversee and so:

NHS Trusts deliver care and:

Primary Care Groups (all GPs as independent contractors in an area together with community nurses) deliver care and:

And it is into this context that clinical governance is to be understood.

Whilst the key themes include:

In terms of health quality the emphasis is on:

Quality standards come in local service agreements between Health Authorities, Primary Care Groups and NHS Trusts, reflecting national standards and targets.

Efficiency is not seen as restricting quality but enhancing it, through making more resources available, for example.

And so clinical governance in NHS Trusts and Primary Care intends that clinical standards are met, and that processes are in place to ensure continuous improvement, with a statutory duty for quality in NHS Trusts with emphasis on.

In order that these can be measured standard indicators are developed in each of these areas, to be applied to the different providers of health care.

Clinical governance uses the notion of a quality organisation. This ensures that

It is the purpose of the library and information services among others within NHS structures to disseminate information which supports clinical governance.