2 Perhaps the most common reason people give for not cycling is
3 safety in traffic. However, even in large cities, the health benefits
4 of regular cycling are more likely to outweigh the risk of being
5 injured in an accident and it's often the fastest and most reliable
6 way to travel.
7 In large cities, journeys of less than 5 miles (8km) can be made
8 more quickly and easily by bike. And if we cycled for just some of
9 those journeys we would be helping to reduce congestion
10 and pollution.
11 All the health professionals agree that cycling is good for you.
12 Regular cyclists have a fitness level equivalent to someone ten
13 years younger and the risk of heart discease is significantly
14 reduced. Contrary to popular belief, if you are sitting in a car, you
15 are exposing yourself to higher levels of vehicle pollution than if
16 you're on a bike.
17 The risk of having an accident is real, but often over stressed. It
18 not as great as you may fear. In fact, a cyclist is seriously injured
19 only once every 185,000 cycling miles (300,000 cycling
20 kilometres).
21 So look out for the blue and white cycle route signs. Cycling is
22 the fastest way to get around town, efficient, good for your
23 health, environmentally friendly and of course it can be great fun!

1 Which of the following statements best sums up this article?
a Cars cause major pollution in cities
b Cyclists should do at least 8km a day
c Cycling is fast, healthy and clean
d City traffic is very dangerous
2 The main purpose of this article is to:
a Explain the dangers of driving
b Describe the fun of cycling
c Persuade people to cycle
d Explain the dangers of cycling
3 According to the article, the risk of being injured in a cycling accident:
a Outweighs the health benefits
b Is seriously high in cities
c Is more likely in traffic
d Is often exaggerated
4 There is a spelling mistake on:
a Line 4
b Line 9
c Line 13
d Line 20
5 The phrase equivalent to on line 12 means:
a The same as
b Different from
c More than
d Similar to
6 The phrase significantly reduced on lines 13 and 14 means:
a Heart disease will decline in the future
b A reduction in the risk of the heart disease that a doctor can sign
c A reduction in the risk of the heart condition that is not measurable
d A reduction in the risk of the heart condition that is potentially measurable
7 The it's of line 5 means:
a The risk of being injured in an accident
b Cycling
c Travelling
d Common reason people give for not cycling
8 In line 17 over stressed means:
a Anxious beyond the normal state
b The bicycle cannot function in traffic without wear and tear
c People emphasise too much the risk of an accident
d Accidents will happen whatever is stated
9 You're of line 16 means:
a If your bicycle is receiving higher levels of vehicle pollution
b If you are in a car
c You are on a bicycle
d You are receiving reduced levels of vehicle pollution
10 What does the sentence mean beginning on line 2?
a Perhaps the reason given for not cycling is common and lacks refinement
b Without measuring this, people reason against cycling because there is safety in traffic.
c Without measuring this, people reason against cycling because there is a lack of safety in traffic.
d The writer hasn't a clue why people give common reasons for not cycling.
11 Rewrite the first sentence starting in line 2 to remove its ambiguity.
12 Rewrite the sentence beginning on line 14 starting Contrary to popular belief to reduce the number of commas without taking anything away from what the sentence states.

Source (verbatim main text, different line numbers, questions reproduced with additional questions, coloured here):
Edexcel (May 2003), 'Draft Document for Questions 1 to 5', Key Skills: Communication, Adult Literacy, Unit Number: U3051248/KC2T/U50500112/LIT2, London: Edexcel, 2-3.


Adrian Worsfold