Expanding the Membership of SUPA;
Challenges that Might be Faced

Expanding SUPA & Problems Page 01

The University of LincolnClick for University Website Service User Participation Advisory Group (SUPA)Click for Powerpoint Presentation is an attempt to co-ordinate clients and users - that is mainly service users and carers - into the education and training of health and social workers.
This follows the General Social Care Council (GSCC)Click for Website Home Page requirements for the social work degree, diploma and certificates. Reform began from July 2001 with the agreed policy from February 2002 to reflect the needs of service users and carers (who can be called stakeholders), and therefore training involves the service user (while protecting people at risk) and in so doing values experience, diversity and equality of opportunity. This involves even the very design of the curriculum and reviewing training effectiveness.
This follows the political stance rapidly enacted after 1997 towards collaborative approaches, of which arguably the most significant, and directly relevant for part of social care input, has been Every Child MattersDepartment for Children, Schools and Families Government website, an ethical outlook that translates into sharing best practice and co-ordination amongst the variety of suppliers of services in welfare and education across the private, voluntary and state sectors.

On the matter of children: involving users when they are children is particularly sensitive; parents can be involved regarding child health and social services. But are such parents and children not under some stress, when being service users, and so when can they be asked to give their experiential input?

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Adrian Worsfold