Adrian Worsfold Interests


What I have never done ever - the Lottery. This is the nearest I have got! My mother did it, but I never bought a ticket for me.

Pick numbers
from 1 through

So if you want to waste your money each week then be my guest - you too can select your numbers here.

Of course I am interested in computers. In 2004 I was still using Windows 95 with enhancements but change was increasingly demanded by software changes and printer requirements and a second computer and printer with Windows XP was purchased in May 2005. This was further updated later after the seller proved to be a crook.

Although no longer at the University of Hull I retain my academic interests and ideas and ways of looking at issues.

This means a continuation from the research Ph.D in Sociology and MA course and dissertation in Theology, onward with forms of postmodernism and postliberalism in theology. I have debated through social media.

There has been a great deal of frustration with Unitarianism's narrowness and localism: there was never full recovery from the experiences of training at Unitarian College in the Manchester region. At its heart lies a contradiction: that although it claims to be creedless it is quite conservative. This manifested itself in adopting an Object with clauses about "worshipping God" and "upholding the liberal Christian tradition". An Invocation was based on it. Thus it had created a credal precedent even though the blurb rejects credal approaches. I wanted to follow the blurb of a progressive body, one that was pluralist and had a social gospel of embracing differences within just as society should. In essence it had adopted a postliberal definition. A postliberal approach is simply better presented in those Christian denominations with some tolerance but richer resources in the tradition.

Nevertheless, the Anglican experiment itself ran out of steam. To participate is to indicate agreement with the fomularies, and I don't. Unitarianism seems to be moving; the GA Object seems to be bankrupt and a pointless victory for a faction. Nevertheless I have not joined any Unitarian body. From 2010 I was instrumental in improving the music standard at Hull church in the absence of a keyboard player.


Adrian's progress:

  1. Methodists (Sutton-on-Hull) as an agnostic (my acquired liberal Christianity was locally unacceptable)
  2. Anglicans (University then Swine) from 1984, declining after 1986
  3. Unitarians (Hull to 1999, Manchester 1989-90, Sheffield 1992 -with Buddhists) - my religious humanism and pluralism unacceptable in many locations
  4. FWBO (Sheffield 1991-) - Western Buddhism
  5. 1994 on and Unitarian attendance (refusing membership) on and off (Hull) and marriage service in 2001
  6. PGCE RE in 2002-3 inevitably widened knowledge and views, becoming more explicitly pluralist: soft spots for Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism as well as a further appreciation of Christianity.
  7. 2004 and completely stopped attendance of Hull Unitarians after becoming irregular
  8. Into 2005 and attendance at St Mary's Barton on Humber with theological debate among Surefish Christians: a theology of give and take (reciprocity) with ritualistic implications drawn from social anthropology, along with a postmodern open style of postliberal theology based on an a combination in tension of empirical historiography and narrative religious story in the Christian tradition.
  9. 2009 and attending again at the Unitarians, and from 2010 living in Hull from 1st October.


A while back, when living in North Derbyshire, my mother and I were members of the Chesterfield Art Club. On rare occasions one of us might improve the other's picture. In Barton we attended a night class for painting, and indeed it was there that something was 'lost' in my mother's art as art and was the beginning of her dementia from about 2005/ 2006.

I photographed models in Derbyshire and they went into many paintings. This photography did not continue for the lack of a good studio in the area, but there remain plenty of photographs to paint! I do other subjects. The stock of photographs especially from Scotland and Wales is a big part of this. Much has gone on to computer with better art packages and personalities to caricature and 'paint'. 13 Manchester Square had 65 paintings on the wall (mother's and mine) and some are up in Chamberlain Close.

Then there is politics. My main sympathy has been the Liberal Democrats, although I voted tactically on the centre left in 1997 and 2001. in 2005 and 2010 I returned to vote Liberal Democrat. I like the idea of co-operative politics, of constitutional reform and European confederation. The constitution within the British Isles needs updating and the democratic deficit within Europe needs tackling. The island of Ireland needs to be its own confederation within the European Union, protecting traditions and letting them exist in mutual tolerance not power. An English Parliament would complete devolution (preferred over regional assemblies). However, I did not vote Liberal Democrat as a prop for Conservatism and there is a need to reassert the progressive left.

Back in 1979 I voted Conservative on "Manchester Liberal" grounds, but as a social liberal (which he remains) he voted Liberal/ SDP (and equivalents) in 1983, 1987 and 1992, Labour in 1997 and 2001, and Liberal Democrat in 2005 and 2010. The latter shifts are explained by the Cleethorpes constituency being a Conservative to Labour marginal seat, but voting Labour became impossible in 2005 whilst (in short) the deceptive Tony Blair remained leader and it continued to be a "New Labour" party. The Liberal Democrats as a libertarian and social justice party were increasingly attractive on their own terms but then became subsumed in Conservative priorities, attacking the poor and unemployed. The Orange Book Liberal Democrats went native in the Conservative administration.

There are those all important friends, especially two known since the 1960's and 1970's, and I join them about once a week. I drive and drink orange or pineapple lemonades. Walters seems to be a favoured pub